Embark on an epic journey to uncover Shiny Pokémon, some of the rarest and most sought after creatures in the Pokémon world, with the Pokémon TCG: Shining Fates Elite Trainer Box (ETB). Featuring over 100 Shiny Pokémon, this expansion is a collector’s dream come true. Among these treasures are more than 30 Pokémon V and Pokémon VMAX, including the awe inspiring Shiny Charizard in its Gigantamax form!
With the Shining Fates expansion, Trainers have a unique opportunity to seize their destiny and expand their collection like never before. Whether you're looking to enhance your gameplay or simply collect these beautifully etched cards, this ETB is packed with everything you need to get started.
Unleash the power of Shiny Pokémon and take your collection to the next level with the Shining Fates Elite Trainer Box (ETB). Don’t miss out on this chance to reveal a Shining Destiny!
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