Embark on an unforgettable adventure with the Scarlet & Violet—Journey Together Pokémon TCG expansion! This set showcases the powerful bonds between Trainers and their Pokémon, featuring over 250 new cards, including the debut of Trainer's Pokémon ex like N’s Zoroark ex, Iono’s Bellibolt ex, and Hop’s Zacian ex. Released in February 2025, Journey Together celebrates the strength of friendship and teamwork, delivering fresh strategies and iconic new cards for players and collectors alike.
In this expansion, you'll discover dynamic Pokémon ex that showcase the synergy between Trainers and their Pokémon, alongside beautiful full-art Trainer cards that tell their stories. With cards designed to highlight the power of collaboration, Journey Together is perfect for building competitive decks or expanding your collection.
Explore the latest cards and experience the thrill of Journey Together. Visit our Scarlet & Violet series or browse more Pokémon Cards to discover even more from the Pokémon TCG universe.